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Cocoon: How One Woman Created a Shelter for Teens and Found Hope Along the Way

Cocoon is a triumphant book, a memoir that shows triumph of the human spirit when an “ordinary woman,” someone like you and me, throws her heart into fulfilling a need she sees in her community, and a triumph for a whole community of good people who back the author in her vision of a refuge for homeless teens in the small city where she worked.

Cocoon Book Image Sarri Gilman noticed a problem. Many of the teenage students attending the Everett, Washington, school where she worked had nowhere to go at night. She then realized they were victims of a devastating loophole in the state's system, which provided housing for younger children and adults who were homeless, but had no space for teens.

What happened next was not in Sarri's career plan, but the marriage and family therapist could not turn her back on the problem unfolding around her. Instead, she became the executive director of a nonprofit organization, Cocoon House, which served - and continues to serve - as a home for the most vulnerable teens in her community, giving them the chance to find stability and a new lease on life.

Cocoon is her unbelievable, inspiring and true story.

NOTE: I am offering keynotes on Lessons I Learned From Cocoon. It will cover courage, reimagining failure, leadership, community organizing, post traumatic stress disorder, healing practices , boundaries, and seeing the light in others and ourselves. As with all my keynotes over the years it will be touching and filled with laughter, tears, and stories. Send me an email if you are interested. for more information.

Book readings are full of hopeful stories and laughter. The people attending are adding a profound layer of connection and love to each book signing event. Thank you for joining me. I am happy to schedule free virtual 30 minute Q and A with bookclubs who are reading this book - pop me an email if you are interested.
In addition to bookclubs, I would like to see Cocoon reach social worker students and teachers. I’m happy to send you a copy in the US to review to see if it’s a fit for your college class. For other countries, the book is available on all Amazon sites. It can also be ordered for bookstores.

I would also like to see this book make it’s way to human service and healthcare conferences where I can share some lessons I learned about facing overwhelming challenges. If you are interested, let me know. I promise these events will offer your group engaging stories, laughter, and tears. email me for more information.

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The Mystery of Knowing Journal: A Writing Odyssey to be True to Who You Are

"This journal fits perfectly with the intention of our workshop, which is all about empowering women of color to connect with their authentic selves, connect with other women of color, and practice fierce self care. This journal is a roadmap to all of those practices, while also encouraging healing through journaling and reflection. Everyone can benefit from this journal, but communities of color can especially benefit from this tool as a way to help us connect more deeply with ourselves, those around us, and our spiritual practices."
Leilani Raglin -

Mystery of Knowing Book Image How do you nurture your spirit and be true to who you are? This guided journal will support your true self as you dive deeply into a reflecting process through writing - to increase your self-care, experience more joy, and grow healthy boundaries.

In this journal you will be exploring your self-care and your boundaries. This journal is a creative playful space where you will be eased past the daunting blank page and inspired to write or collage in its pages.

This journal will guide you below the surface, to where the truth lives.

I am a psychotherapist who teaches workshops about self-care, boundaries, and overwhelm. I have learned that very few people attending my workshops had a journal practice. Though you can learn things from my books and workshops, as well as from those offered by others, your greatest learning will come from inside of you. You can also use the journal with your therapist.

The journal is meant for people who are curious about journals and ready to take steps and try journaling as a habit and way to go deeper when writing.

My hope is you will discover, through writing, ways to nurture your spirit and be true to who you are.

Maybe you have not had time to sit with a journal. Perhaps you aren't sure how a journal could help you exercise self-care, experience more joy, and grow healthy boundaries. If you are new to journaling, I only want you to spend ten minutes in this journal when you write. Short bursts of writing.

The questions will start you on a trail. Where the trail leads is what you will discover as you write.

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Transform Your Boundaries®

"You will learn more about who you are, what's most important to you, how to listen to yourself and develop the skill of guiding your own life."
Dr. Michael Douglas

Transform Your Boundaries book cover Do you have trouble saying no without guilt? Discover how to establish boundaries to heal your mind, body, and spirit.

Have you struggled with the emotional drain of other people's demands? Do you feel confronted by those who aggressively test your limits? Is it difficult maintaining positive relationships with those who want more than you're willing to give? Sarri has helped thousands across the globe build and sustain internal skills that improve their overall wellbeing. Now she's here to show you how to use your instincts to protect yourself, listen better to your inner voice, and follow through on actions that enhance self-care.

Transform Your Boundaries is a straight-to-the-point manual referencing case studies and typical roles such as the Workaholic and the Sacrificer to identify and employ the necessary tools for mental resilience. Using Gilman's simple examples and step-by-step process, you'll develop the skills needed to safeguard your sanity against challengers. By following this self-affirming approach to achieving personal insight and an immovable stance, you will be empowered to live your best life.

In Transform Your Boundaries, you'll discover:

  • A highly effective YES/NO compass for understanding your own boundaries and increasing your self-care resources
  • How to reduce the noise around you to reach a calm state
  • The seven boundary patterns that will help you tune in to your individual wisdom
  • Methods to decrease stress and anxiety to clear your path towards your true purpose
  • Easy exercises to follow, journal questions for reflection, and much, much more!

Transform Your Boundaries is your guide to standing your ground against external pressures. If you like take-charge advice, solutions for gaining control, and momentous turning points, then you'll love Sarri Gilman's life-changing resource.

Buy Transform Your Boundaries today!

Naming and Taming Overwhelm

For Healthcare and Human Service Providers

Naming and Taming Overwhelm book cover "I have been in health care system leadership for over three decades. I read in depth about Caregiver Burnout and resilience. With that said, I want to recommend Sarri Gilman's most recent book entitled Naming and Taming Overwhelm. It is Outstanding!!! It is a major contribution to the literature on 'MD and Caregiver Burnout.'
Author Sarri Gilman has authored an insightful work defining 'overwhelm' in healthcare and naming it as the root of the crisis of caregiver burnout. Wow! This work needs to reach healthcare leaders!"
John B

If you work in health and human services, you know how susceptible you and your colleagues are to stress and compassion fatigue. The risk factors and occurrences of becoming overwhelmed are widespread and systemic. However, the industry generally addresses only the symptoms, rather than treating the problem holistically.

Naming and Taming Overwhelm will help you recognize if or when your're becoming overwhelmed and provide simple steps to protect and care for yourself.

Learn how to tune into your own personal signals as well as develop techniques for listening to and helping your colleagues who may experience their own early signs of feeling overwhelmed.

The book also serves as a journal and workbook. Each chapter ends with an Apply It section, which poses pertinent questions to the reader along with blank journal pages for written responses and notes.